+ Training


ERYICA training courses can only be delivered by trainers who have completed the ERYICA Training of Trainers Programme (ERYICAdemy). The ERYICAdemy is organised biannually by ERYICA.

Training of trainers

ERYICA training courses can be delivered by trainers who underwent a Training of Trainers (ToT) course. Trainers become multipliers of ERYICA training courses, therefore their certification has special emphasis.

A ToT can be completed in two ways:


Participating in the ERYICAdemy — Training of Trainers in Youth Information and Counselling

The ERYICA Capacity-building and Training System Working Group (ECTS WG) has developed a training of trainers structure, which certifies trainers to deliver 5 training and 3 eLearning courses. The ToT course uses blended learning methodology and includes two residential trainings and two eLearning phases. In the end, participants will be certified to deliver the YIntro, Digital YIntro, Advanced YIntro, JIMMY and YoMIM courses, as well as the Digital YIntro, JIMMY and YoMIM eLearning courses. Trainers certified under this structure have a simplified access to certification for the delivery of the remaining courses in the ERYICA Training System.

ERYICAdemy is the primary and preferred method of training of trainers. It is held on a biennial basis in principle and its organisation is reserved for ERYICA. Members can organise course-specific ToTs (see below).

Profile of participants for the ERYICAdemy

  • Min. 3 years of experience in training and a practice of youth work; preferably youth information background; OR

  • Min. 3 years of experience in youth information work and followed an ERYICA training course; interested in becoming a multiplier and have some trainer experience already.

  • Has experience in eLearning, ideally as eTrainer.

  • Committed to the whole duration of the ToT programme.

  • Available for training delivery within approx. one year after the completion of the ToT.

  • Motivation to learn and to become an active member of the ERYICA trainers pool.

  • Knowledge of English to complete the course.


Participating in a course-specific training of trainers course

These can be organised by ERYICA or ERYICA Member and Affiliated Organisations, in co-operation with the ERYICA Secretariat.

ERYICA Members and Affiliated Organisations can organise a training of trainers course covered by the ERYICAdemy if their reason is duly justified, e.g. if they could not participate in the previous edition of ERYICAdemy, there are no trainers in their language, they have an immediate and specific demand for trainers, etc. A preliminary consultation and agreement with ERYICA before the organisation of a training of trainers is required.

Participants of these face-to-face courses will be certified to deliver the given course at any level (local, regional, national or international) .

If you are interested in co-organising and hosting a Training of Trainers, contact the ERYICA Secretariat.

Profile of participants for the course-specific ToT

  • Knowledge or experience of youth (information) work.

  • Previous experience as trainer in a non-formal education setting.

  • Committed to the whole duration of the ToT course.

  • Available for training delivery within approx. one year after the completion of the ToT.

  • Motivation to learn and to become an active member of the ERYICA trainers pool.

  • Working level knowledge of language of the course.

Certified trainers become members of the ERYICA Trainers’ Pool. If you would like to have access to the list of ERYICA trainers or get in touch with a trainer near you, please contact the ERYICA Secretariat at secretariat@eryica.org

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