Nous souhaitons la bienvenue parmi nous au SIEP! 


Nous souhaitons la bienvenue parmi nous au SIEP! 

The SIEP (Service d'Information sur les Etudes & les Professions) is a Belgian non-profit association whose objectives are to provide documentation, information and guidance to all who wish it, and mainly to young people, by means of material covering studies, training, and professions. 

Created in 1973, the SIEP is approved as a youth organisation and federates eight youth information centres all over the territory of the French-speaking community of Belgium. Their staff provides information to the public on several themes (studies, professions, citizenship, work, rights, international projects, leisure, culture, etc.).

They employ various methods, such as utilising the Internet and social media, engaging in telephone communication and individual interviews. Additionally, they organise annual "studies-training-jobs" fairs and conduct information meetings upon the request of schools, youth organisations, and parent associations. Furthermore, they host school or professional guidance sessions and offer training courses while maintaining a unit of documentation and a database. They also edit publications covering domains of studies and professions and create directory guides of secondary education, high schools, and adult training sessions.


Head office: rue Saint-Gilles, 26, 4000 Liège, Belgium.
Telephone: +32(0)4-220.24.00
Websites: -


YouthInfoQuest: Elevating youth voices across Europe


Online focus group meeting on podcast series for youth (information) workers - Call for participants