Save the new date for the General Assembly 2020!


Save the new date for the General Assembly 2020!


The 31st ERYICA General Assembly, planned to take place on 21-24 April 2020, has been postponed, due to the outbreak of the current global COVID-19 pandemic. We are very happy to announce new dates for the GA! It will now take place from Tuesday 15 september - Thursday 17 september 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Further information will follow in the coming days and weeks. We are very grateful to still be able to go ahead with our most important annual event, and thankful to our hosts, Young Scot, for their flexibility in this matter. 

The theme for the GA this year is service design in youth information. Service design is about improving the experience of both the user and service by designing, aligning, and optimising an organisation’s operations to better support the user. It is a human-centred approach to developing services; it helps organisations see the big picture as users see it and offers tools to design every little interaction between users and the organisation. Participants will learn about the service design approach and how it is used to fully involve young people in the design of services and policies that concern them, including how young people are using this approach to create digital information content for their peers.

We send our network and youth information workers across Europe all our support and solidarity during these difficult times, and look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh later this year!

For more information about the General Assembly, please contact the ERYICA Secretariat: 


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