Estonia is supporting youth information services development on the local level via a support program


Estonia is supporting youth information services development on the local level via a support program

In Estonia, local governments have the possibility to assess the quality of youth work. Last year, the Education and Youth Board (Harno) started a pilot activity for local governments to offer support after a quality assessment to develop local bottlenecks, such as youth information services or youth participation.     

As the pilot went well, and the interest in being part of it was high, a comprehensive support program is now available for local governments after the quality assessment. The purpose of the program is to provide support to local governments for the development of a specific youth field area. One of the most popular topics in last year’s pilot was the need to develop youth information services, and for this, the local government mapped the development needs and prepared the action plan. 

The support program will start this year in February, and it consists of regular online and face-to-face meetings, the creation of action plans, and external counselling from specific area experts. The most valuable part of the program is an opportunity to meet other local governments developing the same area to share experiences and learn more about action plans. Meetings and counselling will take place up to May, after which the necessary developments can be scheduled and implemented.

Cooperation with local governments and offering them support will certainly continue in May. Harno is constantly in contact with local governments and contributes to developing high-quality youth work.

The Harnos Youth Department organises the support program and is part of the European Social Fund program.

More info:
Laura Köidam
Youth Department
The Education and Youth Board of Estonia
Facebook @haridus- ja noorteamet


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