DesYIgn Project - Focus Group Interview Report is out!


DesYIgn Project Focus Group Interview Report is out!


In the framework of the Erasmus+ DesYIgn project (Innovative Youth Information Service Design and Outreach), the recent focus groups interview project outcome report is out! You can read it here.

Eight focus group interviews were carried out in four different countries, which formed the basis for the DesYIgn Focus Group Interview Report.

This is the first intellectual output from the DesYIgn project. The participating countries were UK (Wales), Spain (regions of Valencia and Madrid), Malta, and Luxembourg. A total of 37 young people; aged between 15 and 29 participated in the in-depth discussions, where they elaborated their everyday information-seeking practices, their level of awareness of the services, their challenges in accessing the services, and how they would prefer using such information services.

The purpose of the focus groups was to study their information-seeking behavior so the knowledge extracted from the study can be used in improving the service design and communication activities of youth information and counselling service. 

The overall aim is to bring changes to the way the services are designed and communicated about so they match contemporary young people’s information needs and information-seeking practices.


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