Desdecasa: an educational leisure programme from home- IVAJ


Desdecasa: an educational leisure programme from home- IVAJ


he quarantine imposed by the Spanish government during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge for youth workers: rethinking their way of working and adapting it to a new and unknown reality.

Through its profiles on social networks and its website, the Institut Valencià de la Joventut (IVAJ) has launched a large amount of educational leisure activities for young people under the hashtag #IVAJdesdecasa (IVAJ from home). 

The aim of this initiative has been to create networks of positive communication and proactive thinking among young people, including solidarity networks to promote culture, social participation, education and democratic values via the Internet. This initiative has been carried out jointly with youth workers from all over the Region, developing subjects such as arts, Sustainable Development Goals, vídeos, debates, webseries, webinars, health education, educational challenges, games, virtual visits to museums and innovative proposals to participate from home during the quarantine.

Since 30th March, more than fifteen virtual activities have been organised daily, from 10am to 10 pm, and the website has also collected the activities organised by the youth centres of the Valencian Region. All of these activities have been disseminated through the youth information network and the most outstanding activities have been broadcast daily, from Monday to Friday, through the TV news programme “Danarpercasa TV”.

Throughout April, two special actions were carried out: the ERYICA campaign "Climate changes, truth does not: stay informed, check for yourself”, on the occasion of the European Youth Information Day 2020 (EYID), disseminated through IVAJ and youth information services’ social networks. The campaign will keep running until 5th June. 

A second action, on the occasion of the European Dialogue Day between generations on 29th April, consisted of young people volunteering from home, sending messages of encouragement, videos, audio messages, letters, drawings, poetry to elderly people in nursing homes.

In summary, this pandemic has been a challenge for the entire youth sector and has served to develop new forms of communication and interaction with young people.


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