Brand new mini site for COVID-19 times!


Brand new mini site for COVID-19 times!


Over the last three months the world has been faced with an unprecedented situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many aspects of our lives have been affected in various ways. 

In these challenging times, the Youth Board of Cyprus (YBC) has realized the need to help young people in Cyprus deal with this new challenge. Thus, we have implemented various activities, actions and initiatives, aiming to support, empower and provide alternatives means to assist young people manage this difficult situation.

It is now more important than ever to make sure that young people’s access to information is facilitated. Thus, the Youth Board of Cyprus has set as a priority to communicate its programs and services to young people. Thus, we have launched a youth-friendly , especially designed for the current period. 

The purpose of this mini-site is to make it easier for young people to easily access all official information (provided by the Cyprus Ministry of Health) about COVID-19 and to be informed about all the services, activities, initiatives and actions provided and implemented by YBC during this period. It is an all-encompassing site which gathers all activities, online counselling services (psychological support & career counselling), Social Media challenges, online group workshops, etc that the Youth Board has designed for young people during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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